The Australian Senate Community Affairs Committee has conducted an inquiry into the outcomes of the National Disability Strategy.

ACCAN was pleased to be able to make a submission to the inquiry highlighting the key areas in which consumers with disability are struggling to get and stay connected to communications services:

  1. Functionally equivalent access to anytime, anywhere telecommunications services,
  2. Inclusive access to broadcast television and video on demand services,
  3. Full and equitable access to all government online information, services and employment opportunities for public sector employment,
  4. Access to appropriate mainstream and assistive ICT equipment, with training and ongoing support in digital literacy, and
  5. Financial solutions to assist with the costs associated with initial and ongoing connectivity.

ACCAN made a number of recommendations which we believe will improve participation and inclusion for people with disability.

Download: docxACCAN submission NDS outcomes sumbission861.69 KB

Download: pdfACCAN submission NDS outcomes submission420.15 KB